Find your P3ople

Web3 communities are crucial, but building a strong one takes significant time & effort. Many strategists will recommend using only platforms like Twitter, Discord, and Telegram to quickly gain "followers", but these fast-tactics often lack long-term value. 

To truly find your tribe and establish trust with your target audience, it's important to have a consistent, multi-channel presence and to provide value, demonstrate the usefulness of your project, and engage your most enthusiastic supporters on an ongoing basis.

With #StrategicExposure, we take a value-driven, community-focused approach to positioning your project - and team - within our social networks, which have a combined reach of nearly 1 million members. Our focus is on consistency and relevance, not just cold impressions or clicks. 

Our packages create opportunities to get your platform in front of our audience through Facebook Groups, Instagram, and other direct communication channels. 

Our founder is also available as a consultant for startups looking to grow their digital presence and accelerate their growth.

Click below to learn about the collaborative opportunities currently available.


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Our Community

NFT Community

Facebook Group
85,000+ Members

NFT Enthusiasts

Facebook Group
248,000+ Members

NFT Tech Talk

Facebook Group
38,000+ Members


200,000+ Followers

Cryptocurrency Investors

Facebook Group
69,000+ Members

Cryptocurrency News & Discussion

Facebook Group
108,000+ Members

NFT Community

Facebook Group
85,000+ Members

NFT Enthusiasts

Facebook Group
248,000+ Members

NFT Tech Talk

Facebook Group
38,000+ Members


200,000+ Followers

Cryptocurrency Investors

Facebook Group
69,000+ Members

Cryptocurrency News & Discussion

Facebook Group
108,000+ Members

NFT Community

Facebook Group
85,000+ Members

NFT Enthusiasts

Facebook Group
248,000+ Members

NFT Tech Talk

Facebook Group
38,000+ Members


200,000+ Followers

Cryptocurrency Investors

Facebook Group
69,000+ Members

Cryptocurrency News & Discussion

Facebook Group
108,000+ Members